What’s biogas?

Biogas is a mixture of methane gas and carbon dioxide produced by the fermentation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen (or anaerobic digestion). The production of biogas occurs spontaneously in nature in the digestive system of animals and whenever there is a transformation of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.

A spontaneous and natural process paved the way to the development of an Italian supply chain that has already established itself as an opportunity to produce renewable energy in a sustainable, environmentally-friendly way.

Biogas is not just energy production: it also mitigates the environmental impact by transforming livestock effluents into renewable fertilizers, thus giving a “resource” status to the by-products of livestock and agro-industrial activity and promoting innovation in agricultural techniques through the development of efficient systems in the management of local resources and the territory.

The power of anaerobic digestion is therefore linked to its ability to fit seamlessly into the current agricultural fabric. Biogas is, in fact, a circular and efficient supply chain in the use of agricultural land, capable of using not only vegetable biomass but also livestock effluents, agricultural and agro-industrial by-products to feed the plants.


If biogas is done right #itsgoodforeveryone

Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dawolsizwb4


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